Interface CatalogStateListener

public interface CatalogStateListener

Interface implemented by classes that receive catalog state notifications. Implementations of this interface must have a public, static method named getInstance that returns an instance of this class.

$Revision: 1.3 $
Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo, Last modified by $Author: thiagohp $

Method Summary
 void onStateChange(Catalog catalog, CatalogState state, CollectorExecutor executor)
          Invoked when the state of a listened catalog changes.

Method Detail


void onStateChange(Catalog catalog,
                   CatalogState state,
                   CollectorExecutor executor)
Invoked when the state of a listened catalog changes.

catalog - the Catalog instance that had its state changed.
state - the CatalogState.
executor - the CollectorExecutor being executed.

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