Interface PromptListener

public interface PromptListener

Interface implemented by classes that handle collectors that need some interaction with the user in order to obtain necessary information. Implementations of this interface must have a public, static method named getInstance that returns an instance of the class. CollectorExecutor does not have PromptListener support yet.

$Revision: 1.2 $
Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo, Last modified by $Author: thiagohp $

Method Summary
 java.util.Properties onPrompt(Prompt prompt, CollectorExecutor executor, Catalog catalog, Page page)
          Handles an interaction with an user.

Method Detail


java.util.Properties onPrompt(Prompt prompt,
                              CollectorExecutor executor,
                              Catalog catalog,
                              Page page)
Handles an interaction with an user. The results must be returned as a Properties containing name=value values that will be put in the collector context.

prompt - a Prompt instance containing info about the interaction request.
executor - the CollectorExecutor being executed.
catalog - the Catalog being executed.
page - the Page being executed.
a Properties instance.

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